Thursday, August 24, 2017

REVIEW: The Rejected Writers Book Club

The Rejected Writers Book Club
Author: Suzanne Kelman

I absolutely hate DIY projects. If there is a way to fall off a ladder, spill an entire can of paint on myself or otherwise cause will happen to me. With my son turning 13 this summer, it was definitely time to update his room. It's been the same two shades of blue since he was 3 -- the last time I gathered up the courage to paint the walls in there. Before I could come up with an excuse to not do it, I took my son to the local home improvement store and let him pick out his colors. Dark red with a medium tan for the trim. Brushes, little plastic paint cups, wooden stir sticks, plastic drop cloths, holy water, first aid kit....brought it all home and prepared for slow torture. I am decidedly NOT Bob Villa.

I had to find the perfect audio book to keep me company while I tried to complete this painting project without hurting myself, or destroying anything. I chose The Rejected Writers Book Club.

So glad I did! It was the perfect choice!

Silly, light-hearted and fun, this book was wonderful to listen to as I painted the walls (and myself) red and tan. I looked like a murder victim who fell into melted chocolate ice cream -- but I was smiling! So I figure that's a win!  (And I didn't spill any paint! a few drips here and there...but no large Ooooops moments)

The audiobook version of this novel (Brilliance Audio) is narrated by Tanya Eby. I have hearing loss and at times I have trouble understanding female narrators. But, Tanya's voice is clear and her pace is perfect. I didn't have any trouble understanding her. Her tone and inflection was perfect for this humorous, fun book. I soon lost myself blissfully in the story as I worked for hours painting out my son's childhood, morphing his room to a teenager lair.

The basics: small town librarian Janet Johnson is invited to a local women's book club meeting. When she gets there, she is surprised to find that the group is centered around rejection letters from publishers. Every member has had their writing rejected for publication....most multiple times. They have a special book filled with these rejection announcements. They proudly meet each time another is received. Just short of the 500 letter mark (which they plan to celebrate with a big party), disaster strikes. Their leader, Doris, has her book accepted for publication! Oh the horror! They beg for Janet's assistance to get the manuscript back. Janet, who is heading to San Francisco to help her pregnant daughter, tries to refuse...but it just so happens that the publisher they need to contact is located in San Francisco. The ladies embark on the most ill-fated road trip trouble, rock slides, and many troubles await them as they fight to save their fearless leader from the horrors of publication.

Now, there were just too many pitfalls in this trip for it to seem even remotely realistic. But, I don't care. The story was just hilarious and fun to listen to. I don't give a hoot whether it was realistic or not. It got me through hours of painting  with a smile on my face! Sometimes you just need a simple, funny story -- and for me, this book was perfect. I loved it! Janet Johnson is a fun, slightly snarky, main character. And the group of ladies are all quirky and fun. Add in the silly things they have planned to get the manuscript back (including chaining a member to a toilet until they get what they want) is just complete zany fun.

The Rejected Writers Club is the first book in the Southlea Bay series. I can't wait to read book 2: The Rejected Writers Take the Stage. :) Suzanne Kelman has also published a book of verse, Big Purple Undies. For more information on the author and her writing, check out her website:

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