Friday, November 3, 2017

REVIEW: Redshirts

Author: John Scalzi

Every Star Trek fan knows that any unnamed crew member wearing a red shirt will die. Especially if they go on an away mission.

What would happen if the ship's crew finally figured that out?

In John Scalzi's book Redshirts, some of the crew on the Starship Intrepid figure out some basic facts:  away missions lead to grisly deaths for low-level crew members and there are several officers who always survive these deadly altercations. These enlightened crew members begin avoiding away mission or dangerous situations with these particular officers in an attempt to protect themselves. And then there is the box....the magic box that gives them strange, scientifically impossible answers to difficult situations. They band together to find out what is happening on the Intrepid, and come to an insane, impossible, and totally true conclusion. No spoilers from me -- you have to read the book to find out! :)

As a big Star Trek fan, I loved this book! It was a nice mix of humor and the TV series. It also gave an interesting answer to the reason why redshirts are doomed. A total hoot to read! I'm going to buy a copy for my husband's bookshelf for Christmas. :) He will love it!

I totally loved this book. I finished with a big smile on my face. Fun characters, hilarious situations and a perfect answer to the fateful redshirt mystery. Creative, witty, original and fun -- this book earns 5 stars from me!

John Scalzi is the author of many science fiction novels. To learn more about him and his books check out his website:

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