Monday, July 1, 2019

REVIEW: Whisper Network

Whisper Network
Author: Chandler Baker

Sloane, Ardie, Grace, and Rosalita....these four women have had enough. They are tired of cover-ups, lies, whispered rumors about ill treatment that nobody is brave enough to report, sick of corporate mistreatment of professional women....just sick of it all. The final straw? The CEO of the company they work for unexpectedly dies....and Ames Garrett -- a real wanker -- is next in line for the job. The work place is about to get a lot worse for every woman in the company. So they take matters into their own hands....but their actions will have dire consequences.

While the story line seemed a bit contrived and melodramatic in places, I couldn't stop reading. Whisper Network is like a very dark, demented version of the movie 9-5.  I wonder how many women have endured situations like this book depicts? The story is suspenseful and definitely kept my attention throughout....but it also made me feel strangely uncomfortable. How many times in my career did I know a male supervisor or co-worker was acting inappropriately...but said nothing about it? Multiple times. How many times did I stay silent when I should have spoken up? As a supervisor, how many times did I hear gossip and not check up on it? And how many times was I a victim of this sort of misconduct but didn't tell anyone? Multiple times on all counts. What would have happened if I had spoken up? Most likely -- nothing. Or, I might have been reprimanded for speaking out of turn and causing problems....or opened myself up for retaliation. So, although I did find the plot to be a bit soap-opera melodramatic in places, it did make me think.

Interesting read. While it isn't the usual sort of book I was refreshing to get out of my comfort zone and try something different. This story is not entertaining....but emotional, hard-hitting and uncomfortable. Most women in the working world have dealt with similar situations and been forced through fear, peer pressure or career threats to remain silent. And men who don't behave badly are forced to remain silent or not defend their female co-workers for the same reasons.

I think it's time to clean up the corporate workplace. Not sure I would want to see it done the way these ladies did it....but I do hope the day is coming where good people are victimized and wankers get away with it.

Aren't we all getting sick of that scenario?

**I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book from Flatiron Books via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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