Monday, December 18, 2017

2018: Beating My Overwhelming TBR Pile into submission!

Every year I make a pledge that I am going to read books off my own shelves. And every year I get sucked into that new release vortex and end the year with just as many books stuck in TBR limbo as I had the previous year. I always mean well....and I'm not against new awesome stories coming out....but I gotta read my own books!!

I still have a couple weeks to pare the pile down a bit more before I tally up the year's total of review books, library books and owned books that I read during 2017. But just a preliminary gaze at the numbers tells me that once again I read more new release and review books than backlist and shelved books. In 2018, I really need to free up shelf I'm joining up with other awesome bibliophiles to #beatthebacklist in 2018!

I'm still going to review new books, but I'm going to be more selective. I don't have to read every awesome book before its release date.....I want the freedom to read what I want, when I want.  I'm going to concentrate on reading a lot of great books that have been patiently waiting for me to get to them....some for years. I need to set some limits....I have a few days to think on that before I make my end of the year post. I'm going to set a monthly limit of ARC requests and stick to it. And I'm going to make a list of series that I've sitting on my TBR for a long time that I actually want to READ instead of just letting them take up my shelf space. There are also some great series that I started....but never finished. And some that I've wanted to re-read, but never seem to get to. In 2018, I'm mopping up my mess! Yay!!  I collected all these books because I truly wanted to read them. Letting them languish on my shelves is just a waste of great stories!

I'm still mulling over my Goodreads challenge # for 2018 as well. I'm not sure.....I set it at 200 this year. I'm currently at 265 books read in 2017. But I felt rushed a few times over this past year. I think I will set my # at 150. And if I reach that goal early....I can increase it. I want to enjoy my reading, not feel obligated, rushed or like it's a job. It's my zen time.....I'm going to treat it as such.

Looking forward to reading my own lovely TBR pile in 2018!!

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