Thursday, May 23, 2019

REVIEW: Welcome to Dead House

Welcome to Dead House
Author: R.L. Stine

Yep...I'm 50 years old and I'm reading Goosebumps books. Why not? The stories are fun, a bit creepy, and have a lot of nostalgia for me. Back when my oldest son was little I used to read these books out loud to him. Sometimes he would read to me. :) We did different voices for the characters and acted out the action, often ending up laughing and just having a great time. My son is now a grown man, married, and stationed in San Diego with the US Navy. This year, I promised myself I would read (or re-read) books that I really enjoy, reviewing each one. I decided it was time to revisit the Goosebumps series just for fun, and Mom-nostalgia.

Welcome to Dead House is the first Goosebumps book, published in 1992. At one time, my son had more than 20 of these books. We read and re-read them until he outgrew them and moved on to more in-depth stories. I did not realize how many books the Goosebumps series mushroomed into...several different spin off series....more than 100 books in total. Wow! Add in the television show and a couple movies....and the Goosebumps series really got kids reading and watching horror stories written specifically for them.

In this first story, Josh and Amanda are upset about moving to Dark Falls. They didn't want to leave their friends behind, and the house their family inherited from an uncle is old and creepy. Little do they know just how creepy it is -- but they quickly find out! Turns out Dark Falls is hiding some dark secrets....

Each chapter ends with a mini-cliffhanger....a bit of drama to get kids to want to read the next chapter. Perfect for silent reading, or reading out loud. The earlier books in the Goosebumps series are a bit darker and less humorous than later books. This story has some pretty gruesome and depressing imagery...but nothing graphic or too scary. Moving is often a traumatic and terrifying experience for kids. This story just turns that fear into a creepy story about a town town with dark secrets.

The television series did a two part episode (made for TV movie) on this story. It can be streamed on Netflix for those who want to revisit some R.L. Stine goodness without reading the book. Or better yet read the book....then watch the TV version to see what changes were made. :) Welcome to Dead House is listed under Specials, episodes 11 and 12, on Netflix.

This book made for an enjoyable afternoon's reading.....and some nice memories of time spent reading to my son. :) Dark, but entertaining and fun, story! I'm going to keep reading this series in order just for the fun of it. Great palate cleansers in-between adult fiction. :) I love children's books. There is no reason why adults can't enjoy them too!

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