Tuesday, August 30, 2022

REVIEW: Lights Beyond the Stars Pt 2

 Lights Beyond the Stars, Pt 2
Author: J.V. Nolan

Dario's quest to link his archaeology knowledge with the concept of ancient aliens continues in Part 2 of Lights Beyond the Stars. This continuation jumps forward a bit in time and Dario, his ally Professor Eli, and a team of archaeologists are in Bolivia at a dig site. Dario works long days to uncover the secrets of Tiahuanaco with the rest of the team....but he will discover something that will change his life, and possibly the lives of the entire human race.

This second section of Dario's story is five chapters long. It is a quick and interesting read. There was a portion of the story where I have to admit I was tempted to eyeroll just a little bit.....it was getting just a bit too History-Channel-BadTV-Weird-Alien-Conspiracy-Ridiculous for me...BUT.....then there was a surprise that sucked me right back into the story. It seems the author always has one of those surprises tucked away to pull out and blow away my assumptions of where the plot is going. ha ha! Love it!

This story is simple and a fast paced archaeology meets aliens tale. There are no pauses for character development (except for just a bit for Dario, the MC) and not a lot of extraneous details or explanations of theories, science, archaeology, etc. This is a story for story's sake -- and that's perfectly ok. Sometimes I need to read something that is just a tale -- nothing fancy, nothing mind-shattering, just a really entertaining story. Sometime to pull me out of IRL and send me somewhere else for just a little bit. There are places where the writing could be better.....places where the plot could be a bit more fleshed out.....and jumps in time that skip over plot points -- these things did did pop into my head at times while reading. It's hard to take the former editor out of the reader, if that makes sense. BUT.....this story doesn't need fluff or fleshing out. It's just fine the way it is -- it's a quick, simple story from the author's mind that he was kind enough to share with us. And that's enough. I enjoyed the story.

Not sure what is in store for Dario next -- but I'm moving on to part 3!

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