Sunday, September 24, 2023

REVIEW: Surely You Can't Be Serious

 Surely You Can't Be Serious
Author: David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker

I have watched the movie Airplane! hundreds of times over the years. When I was first living on my own after college, my dad would just show up sometimes on my porch with a DVD of Airplane! and dinner. We'd hang out and just laugh our butts off, even though we had seen the movie so many times. It didn't matter.....the jokes were always funny. 

I was hunting for a totally different book to review when I came across the listing for this one -- I can't even remember the book I was actually looking for. My brain latched onto this one - oh, hell yeah I'm reading this book! And when I'm done.....I'm watching the movie again and wishing my dad were still here to enjoy it with me.  His favorite line? The one I used to purposely feed to him so that he could use it on me? The dialogue would go something like this:  Me: Surely you aren't serious that you don't plan to watch the Chiefs play on Sunday!  Him: Yes I'm serious.....and don't call me Shirley. 

This book discusses the directors' careers in theater before the movie, how they cast so many famous actors in a project that was so wonderfully silly, and just how the entire project came about. I loved every word!! There are also lots of photos, quotes, anecdotes and other types of wonderful information! 

My favorite scene? Oh easily any of the bits with Stephen Stucker as Johnny. So funny! If you don't know who I'm talking about -- watch the movie! :) 

I looked through all of my streaming services to see where I could watch the movie....even restored my STARZ subscription because a site told me it was there.....nope. None of them. Unless I want to buy it again. Which I'm not going to do. Rats!

......Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. 

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St Martin's Press. All opinions expressed are entirely my own**

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