Sunday, June 30, 2024

REVIEW: Public Anchovy #1

Public Anchovy #1
Author: Mindy Quigley

I like pizza. It's one of my favorite foods. I also like to read mystery novels. So, it's pretty much a given that I also enjoy the Deep Dish Mystery series by Mindy Quigley. 

Cute cover art. A pudgy ginger tabby cat. Pizza and other yummy recipes in the back of each book. Great characters and an entertaining mystery plot each time. What's not to love? 

This time, Delilah O'Leary takes on a catering job to help bring in some winter revenue for her pizza business during the off-season. Everything is going great.....until a guest takes a header down the stairs and dies. It's bad enough that a winter storm has all the roads impassible, and even worse that Delilah, her staff and several guests are stuck in the house with a dead body. 

Things couldn't get worse, right? 


 I had a great time reading this 3rd book in the series. 

My favorite character is still Butterball the cat, but I like all of the characters. The plot kept me engaged from start to finish. There were plenty of suspects and twists. And, there is a nice mix of pizza related background plot, humor and amateur sleuthing. 

I can't wait for the next book!! Luckily, it's coming out in October so I won't have too long to wait! 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

REVIEW: Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust

 Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust
Author: Mindy Quigley

Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust is the second book in the Deep Dish Mystery series. I am enjoying this series so far! 

The basics: Delilah O'Leary is trying to come up with the perfect Bratwurst pizza to win a local cooking contest but her efforts to create the perfect recipe get interrupted when a customer at the new juice bar in town keels over. Another murder? Can she discover who is spiking smoothies before someone else dies...and still perfect her recipe before the cooking contest? 

This second book is even better than the first one! Lots of amateur sleuthing, plenty of suspects, a few twists and turns. And lots of pizza! 

I enjoy Delilah as a main character. She's feisty, intelligent and motivated. Plus she makes a great pizza! I like the side characters...especially Butterball the Cat. The background plot of a Deep Dish Pizza restaurant and all the issues Delilah faces to make her new venture a success blends perfectly with the mystery portion of the plot. It doesn't overpower the mystery, but adds a nice flavor to the story. Perfect balance of mystery and pizza pie. 

Cute cover art as usual! It made me really crave some pizza! 

Moving on to book 3 in this series!


Saturday, June 15, 2024

REVIEW: The Gathering

 The Gathering
Author: C.J. Tudor

I have been a big fan of C.J. Tudor's writing ever since the first book, The Chalk Man, came out in 2018. When I saw the newest story was a vampire tale, I was so excited to get my hands on this book!! 

Then life happened -- crisis at work left me working ridiculous amounts of over time for months -- and I didn't get to this book as quickly as I wanted to. Publication date: April. Reading month: May. ARGH! 

I requested my library order this book and they obliged. I was tippy top of the waiting list --numero uno! Picked it up -- lovely, new book smell. And started reading. 

I couldn't put the book down once I started to read. I binge read this story over a day and a half, and loved every minute of it. 

A grisly murder. Body with its throat shredded and completely drained of blood. Normally this would spark a huge police investigation, but not in Deadhart, Alaska. People there know exactly who did it. A detective who specializes in Vampyr related killings and a former sheriff team up to investigate the crime and bring justice. As their investigation deepens, they uncover darker secrets than they ever imagined. I'm not saying anything else regarding the plot because it's best to read this sort of horror story without any prior knowledge or spoilers.

This book is creepy and scary! I loved it! The setting and the characters were perfect. There were some chilling twists in the plot that I didn't see coming. I couldn't stop reading once I got completely sucked into the story. 

Another great read from C.J. Tudor! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!!

REVIEW: A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks

 A History of the World in Twelve Shipwrecks
Author: David Gibbins

I'm a bit of a history geek. I read about it. Watch documentaries about it. Even studied it in college. There's just something about the past that calls to me. How did we get to where we are in modern times? What was it like to live in other eras? How did we learn and discover so much about medicine, mathematics, philosophy, the Universe, physics....humanity itself? I just find it all so fascinating. 

I've read hundreds of books about history in general, historical events, famous people and places....  I love it when I discover a new-to-me author who surprises me. And this book definitely surprised me.

Telling history through a progression of shipwrecks through time. Wow. What an interesting concept! I knew when I read the blurb for this book that I needed to read it. And, while I'm glad I did, the follow through was a bit below expectations. 

I love the concept of this book. From pre-history through to sunken WWII U-boats, Gibbons picked out 12 interesting shipwrecks and used them as waypoints through history. But I found the presentation a bit dry and like a rote recitation of general facts rather than an interesting dive into these wrecks, the eras they came from, and what they can tell us about the people who lived in those eras. 

Did I find the information interesting? Yes.  Did I appreciate his choices for wrecks to feature. Yes, again. Did I enjoy reading this book? No, not really. 

History can be presented in a way that makes it pop from the page and become engaging, interesting and intriguing. Gibbons' writing did not give me that feeling. I felt like I was in a history lecture given by the professor nobody wants to get -- the class everyone dreads. Like the English professor I had in college that made me loath Shakespeare with a passion because he was so incredibly boring that it just killed any enjoyment or learning I could have gleaned from his class. 

That sounds harsh. It's not meant that way. The concept is wonderful. The history is amazing. 

But the dry and boring. 

I thought maybe I was just expecting too much. So I peeked at other reviews, and I see that lots of other readers agree with me. So, this is my honest review. 

Great concept. I can tell the author is knowledgeable. But the book is boring. There's no life in the words. I will gladly read a future book by this author if he puts some spark in his style....puts some light in the words he is sharing with readers. 

This just off as dull. I'm giving this 3/5 stars based on the creative concept and the wrecks he chose to feature. But the actual presentation could have been so much more engaging and interesting. 

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St. Martin's Press. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

REVIEW: The Dark Forest

 The Dark Forest
Author: Cixin Liu

The Dark Forest is the second novel in the Remembrance of Earth's Past series. A continuation of the story started in The Three-Body Problem, this book kept me riveted from start to finish. 

Humanity is facing the imminent arrival of an alien fleet, intent on taking over Earth. The vast distance the fleet has to travel gives Earth 400 years to prepare. So, in a move to guarantee success, the Trisolarians send technology forward that gives them instant access to all aspects of life on Earth, all communication, and all information. The only safe space? The human mind. The Wallfacer Project sets several men apart from all other humans. It is their duty to come up with their own individual plans to save the planet, keep the plan secret, and to lie or do whatever else is necessary to cover up their intentions/plans/strategy. Can one of these Wallfacers succeed and save humanity from annihilation at the hands of an advanced alien race?

This story has so many interesting concepts and twists! What would happen if Earth had 400 years warning about imminent destruction? What would happen to world politics? Education? Society? Would a concept like the Wallfacers work? I kept thinking about what plan I would try to form if I was a Wallfacer. So difficult!

I'm not going to say anything more about the plot of the book. I want to avoid spoilers. This story is so much more interesting with little or no prior knowledge of the plot or events. I loved the fact that the ending of this second book was still a surprise for me!

I have been avoiding commentary, book reviews, articles about the Netflix show.....anything that has to do with this book series. I want to read each book with no spoilers or the effects of other reader's opinions. So far, I have been successful. I have a personal rule that I need to read the books before I watch the show, so doing my best to finish without even so much as watching a trailer for the show. 

I read a print copy of this book while listening to the audio book version from Audible. The audio is just over 22.5 hours long and narrated by P.J. Ochlan. My only complaint about the audio book is that I did not like the narrator. I liked Luke Daniels' performance in the first book much better. Ochlan's performance seems wooden. His voice remains flat and nasal throughout. I found it irritating at first until I got pulled into the plot and could ignore it. I did see a comment that Luke Daniels pronounced the Chinese words incorrectly but have been unable to confirm that. Not reading past the one comment as I am trying so hard to avoid any story spoilers. My point is: I prefer Luke Daniels based on his voice and narration skills, rather than his ability to correctly pronounce Chinese names/words. P.J. Ochlan reads in a mostly monotone style....and it was hard for me to switch from one to the other. I do not speak Chinese, so the correct pronunciation was out of my knowledge base. I do know that either narrator was much better at Chinese than I would have been inside my head trying to read the book. There is a lot of Chinese involved as the story is written by a Chinese author and most of the characters are Chinese. I would have been stumbling over every word and name the entire time. Glad to have a narrator to just read it for me! :) 

It took me awhile to finish this book. I'm very busy at work and get only a few minutes here and there to read. When I started reading this series, I decided I would only read/listen to these books when I have time to sit and devote my entire attention to the story. I'm not going to listen while driving, doing household chores or anything like I do with others books. I only listen when I can sit at my desk and just take that time for the story. So, I spent two months listening to this second book. I'm glad I did. The plot is complex, and I was very mindful not to miss any of the nuances. Totally worth the extra time and attention! 

Great Sci-fi! Lots of bigger questions on human nature, society, world cultures and humanity to contemplate! Several events in the plot caught me totally by surprise, which brought me a greater understanding of the Wallfacer Project. Loved it! 

On to book 3! I am not buying a text copy of the book this time. And the wait list at my local library is very long. So I'm going audio only this time. I can't wait to find out what the conclusion of this story is!!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

REVIEW: Six Feet Deep Dish

 Six Feet Deep Dish
Author: Mindy Quigley

This series has been on my TBR for quite awhile. As part of my quest to read more books that have been languishing on my TBR pile (which is a ponderous as Scrooge's chains), I grabbed up book one in the Deep Dish Mystery series. Glad I did! This book is a fun and entertaining read! 

The basics: Delilah is stressing out getting ready for her new restaurant to open. She's hired staff, bought the supplies, and ordered the sign for the front of the building. That's where things start to go wrong. The sign has a problem. She has a big fight with her fiance. And, on opening night....a murder. 

I like Delilah as a main character. She takes everything in stride and carries on in the face of almost insurmountable odds to get her restaurant open. And, she's a talented amateur sleuth as well! Most of the side characters I really like....except two. I will let you guess which two. One is annoying, and the other just really rubbed me the wrong way. But -- I also recognize that those two characters were supposed to be irritating. Mission accomplished, Mindy! :) 

The mystery moves along at a nice pace. There is the perfect mix of background plot and humor. The story has plenty of suspects and twists along the way. I did not guess the identity of the killer until just before the reveal. And, it wasn't who I expected! 

My favorite character? Butterball the Cat, of course! 

I'm reading book 2 in this series already! I finished Six Feet Deep Dish and immediately got Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust off my shelf and put my bookmark in it! :) I want to find out what happens next!! Plus I took a trip to B&N and picked up book 3. :)  I'm committed! :) 

Friday, June 7, 2024

REVIEW: Marshmallow S'mores Murder

 Marshmallow S'mores Murder
Author: Leslie Langtry

I'm loving this series! I was getting desperate for something cute, funny and fun to read...and these books are perfect! 

Merry Wrath -- retired CIA operative, living in Iowa, leading a Girl Scout Troop. What could possibly go wrong? 

This time, Merry is taking her troop on a trip to Washington, D.C. It's a reward for her troop selling the most GS cookies...ever. Traveling with Merry is never dull....suddenly they are dealing with a kidnapping, the Yakuza, an escaped vulture, and a less than stellar parent chaperone.

I love how the Scouts take everything in stride when weird things happen. They even gave the vulture a cute nick name!

There were a couple of editing issues in this book. In the last book, Merry had two new kittens on her hands. In this book...there are suddenly three? And in one spot a character's name was mixed up with another character. This may have been fixed in newer editions of the book. And the mistakes weren't enough to pull me out of the story. I read this series for pure fun...not for realism or editing perfection. 

The front cover was incredibly cute as usual. The funny antics of Merry, her friends and her Scouts kept me smiling the entire time. 

My favorite character? The vulture, of course! 

These books are quick reads. There's a nice mix of silly, zany antics and humor with a bit of spy intrigue.

I can't wait to find out the sort of trouble Merry gets into next!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

REVIEW: Mint Cookie Murder

 Mint Cookie Murder
Author: Leslie Langtry

Mint Cookie Murder is the second book in the Merry Wrath Mystery series. Merry is a former CIA operative, living in Iowa and trying to live her best life. Much as she is trying to leave her old life as an International Woman of Mystery, she keeps finding herself pulled back into CIA related mess. That's how she always seems to end up in strange situations. Like navigating the annual cookie sale for a Girl Scout troop by day and dodging assassin's bullets by night.

I'm loving the humor, pure entertainment and fun in these books! Merry Wrath is a great main character. She really just goes with the flow and does the best she can do. She's required to help the troop sell she sells cookies to CIA Agents and spies. Why not? Spies need delicious cookies too. Hundreds of boxes of them, apparently.

This time around, a well known assassin appears in town and seems to be targeting Merry. A convicted traitor somehow escapes from a supermax prison to show up dead on Merry's front porch. And, there's a  fat, cranky new resident of Merry's house -- a cat who looks like Hitler. 

Fun read! Loving these books! Moving on to Book 3 - Marshmallow S'more murder! 

Monday, June 3, 2024

REVIEW: Merit Badge Murder

 Merit Badge Murder
Author: Leslie Langtry

What does a CIA spy and assassin do when her cover is blown by a villainous politician? She retires with a hefty payout, goes home to Iowa, and becomes.....a Girl Scout Leader. 

For Merry Wrath her retirement is taking her a bit to get used to. She's been retired from the CIA for more than a year and still has no furniture or drapes in her house, and doesn't do well with domestic things like remembering to grocery shop. But....she is a good scout leader. 

When the body of a dead operative appears tangled in the rope climbing course at the girl scout camp, it seems like a coincidence. But when more bodies of international spies start piling up  -- in Iowa of all places -- Merry can't shrug it off as a fluke anymore.  

I absolutely loved this book! My job is so busy and stressful....the mix of humor, cozy mystery and zany spy action was so entertaining and just fun to read. I needed this! 

Merry Wrath is an intelligent and fun main character. Her best friend Kelly and all the other side characters really added charm and humor to the story. The plot moved along at a nice pace. There was plenty of sleuthing and twists along the way to keep me guessing. 

I can't wait to find out what happens to Merry in the next book!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

REVIEW: Jealousy Filled Donuts

 Jealousy Filled Donuts
Author: Ginger Bolton

Jealousy Filled Donuts is the 3rd book in the Deputy Donut cozy mystery series. 

The Basics: This time around, Emily Westhill and the crew at Deputy Donut are making sweet treats for the annual July 4th Parade and Picnic in Fallingbrook, WI. The donuts are of course red, white, blue and delicious! The day is perfect - good food, friends, summer festivities.....until a hidden firework explodes killing a rather important spectator. Unfortunately, Emily finds herself at the center of the investigation again as the firework seems to have been hidden inside a bag of donuts from her shop.... 

I enjoyed this third installment in the Deputy Donut series. The investigation kept my attention from start to finish. I thought the ending seemed a bit rushed and the motivation of the killer didn't seem to match the amount of work needed to kill the intended target. But, even though I raised an eyebrow at the identity of the killer, it didn't damage my enjoyment of the book. I wanted to know how Emily and local law enforcement were going to get to the bottom of things! 

The plot moved along at a nice pace. I like Jocelyn, the new assistant at Deputy Donut. The side characters were entertaining as usual. And, the awesome kitty cat, Deputy Donut was up to her usual cute antics. 

The cover art for this book is cute, as usual! Cozy mysteries always have the best covers! 

I can't wait to find out what happens in Fallingbrook next!!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

REVIEW: Goodbye Cruller World

 Goodbye Cruller World
Author: Ginger Bolton

A donut shop. Sweet cat. Amateur sleuth. Cute detective. Fun wedding reception.

......and a dead body. 

All of these things combine to make the second book in the Deputy Donut series an entertaining cozy mystery story. 

The basics: This time around Emily Westhill is catering a wedding reception for another local business owner. They create a donut wall decorated in the wedding colors and the bridge and groom's names above their favorite donuts. Beautifully decorated and delicious donuts hang on dowel rod pegs so that the party goers can grab one as they dance and converse. Great idea right? was awesome until someone decided to poison someone at the party. With a donut. 

Once again Emily finds herself at the center of a murder investigation. She wants to know who used one of her donuts as a murder weapon! 

I enjoyed this second book in the Deputy Donut series just as much as the first one! The mystery moved along at a nice pace with plenty of amateur sleuthing, suspects and twists. I had a bit of suspicion this time about the identity of the killer, but I wasn't completely sure on the who or why until the reveal. The background plot of Emily being a former 911 operator who runs a donut shop is enjoyable and doesn't over power the mystery part of the story. It adds to it. Nice balance in this series! There is a touch of romantic tension, but it stays in the background -- which is the way I prefer it. I like a mystery book with a touch of romance (or none at all lol).....and not a romance novel with a bit of mystery. 

The front cover is cute and colorful as usual! 

My favorite character is still the cute and wonderful kitty, Deputy Donut. She is sassy and makes her opinions known (as all cats do). 

Moving on to book 3! I can't wait to see what happens next!!