Sunday, June 30, 2024

REVIEW: Public Anchovy #1

Public Anchovy #1
Author: Mindy Quigley

I like pizza. It's one of my favorite foods. I also like to read mystery novels. So, it's pretty much a given that I also enjoy the Deep Dish Mystery series by Mindy Quigley. 

Cute cover art. A pudgy ginger tabby cat. Pizza and other yummy recipes in the back of each book. Great characters and an entertaining mystery plot each time. What's not to love? 

This time, Delilah O'Leary takes on a catering job to help bring in some winter revenue for her pizza business during the off-season. Everything is going great.....until a guest takes a header down the stairs and dies. It's bad enough that a winter storm has all the roads impassible, and even worse that Delilah, her staff and several guests are stuck in the house with a dead body. 

Things couldn't get worse, right? 


 I had a great time reading this 3rd book in the series. 

My favorite character is still Butterball the cat, but I like all of the characters. The plot kept me engaged from start to finish. There were plenty of suspects and twists. And, there is a nice mix of pizza related background plot, humor and amateur sleuthing. 

I can't wait for the next book!! Luckily, it's coming out in October so I won't have too long to wait! 

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