Saturday, June 15, 2024

REVIEW: The Gathering

 The Gathering
Author: C.J. Tudor

I have been a big fan of C.J. Tudor's writing ever since the first book, The Chalk Man, came out in 2018. When I saw the newest story was a vampire tale, I was so excited to get my hands on this book!! 

Then life happened -- crisis at work left me working ridiculous amounts of over time for months -- and I didn't get to this book as quickly as I wanted to. Publication date: April. Reading month: May. ARGH! 

I requested my library order this book and they obliged. I was tippy top of the waiting list --numero uno! Picked it up -- lovely, new book smell. And started reading. 

I couldn't put the book down once I started to read. I binge read this story over a day and a half, and loved every minute of it. 

A grisly murder. Body with its throat shredded and completely drained of blood. Normally this would spark a huge police investigation, but not in Deadhart, Alaska. People there know exactly who did it. A detective who specializes in Vampyr related killings and a former sheriff team up to investigate the crime and bring justice. As their investigation deepens, they uncover darker secrets than they ever imagined. I'm not saying anything else regarding the plot because it's best to read this sort of horror story without any prior knowledge or spoilers.

This book is creepy and scary! I loved it! The setting and the characters were perfect. There were some chilling twists in the plot that I didn't see coming. I couldn't stop reading once I got completely sucked into the story. 

Another great read from C.J. Tudor! I can't wait to get my hands on the next book!!

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