Friday, June 7, 2024

REVIEW: Marshmallow S'mores Murder

 Marshmallow S'mores Murder
Author: Leslie Langtry

I'm loving this series! I was getting desperate for something cute, funny and fun to read...and these books are perfect! 

Merry Wrath -- retired CIA operative, living in Iowa, leading a Girl Scout Troop. What could possibly go wrong? 

This time, Merry is taking her troop on a trip to Washington, D.C. It's a reward for her troop selling the most GS cookies...ever. Traveling with Merry is never dull....suddenly they are dealing with a kidnapping, the Yakuza, an escaped vulture, and a less than stellar parent chaperone.

I love how the Scouts take everything in stride when weird things happen. They even gave the vulture a cute nick name!

There were a couple of editing issues in this book. In the last book, Merry had two new kittens on her hands. In this book...there are suddenly three? And in one spot a character's name was mixed up with another character. This may have been fixed in newer editions of the book. And the mistakes weren't enough to pull me out of the story. I read this series for pure fun...not for realism or editing perfection. 

The front cover was incredibly cute as usual. The funny antics of Merry, her friends and her Scouts kept me smiling the entire time. 

My favorite character? The vulture, of course! 

These books are quick reads. There's a nice mix of silly, zany antics and humor with a bit of spy intrigue.

I can't wait to find out the sort of trouble Merry gets into next!

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