Sunday, June 9, 2024

REVIEW: Six Feet Deep Dish

 Six Feet Deep Dish
Author: Mindy Quigley

This series has been on my TBR for quite awhile. As part of my quest to read more books that have been languishing on my TBR pile (which is a ponderous as Scrooge's chains), I grabbed up book one in the Deep Dish Mystery series. Glad I did! This book is a fun and entertaining read! 

The basics: Delilah is stressing out getting ready for her new restaurant to open. She's hired staff, bought the supplies, and ordered the sign for the front of the building. That's where things start to go wrong. The sign has a problem. She has a big fight with her fiance. And, on opening night....a murder. 

I like Delilah as a main character. She takes everything in stride and carries on in the face of almost insurmountable odds to get her restaurant open. And, she's a talented amateur sleuth as well! Most of the side characters I really like....except two. I will let you guess which two. One is annoying, and the other just really rubbed me the wrong way. But -- I also recognize that those two characters were supposed to be irritating. Mission accomplished, Mindy! :) 

The mystery moves along at a nice pace. There is the perfect mix of background plot and humor. The story has plenty of suspects and twists along the way. I did not guess the identity of the killer until just before the reveal. And, it wasn't who I expected! 

My favorite character? Butterball the Cat, of course! 

I'm reading book 2 in this series already! I finished Six Feet Deep Dish and immediately got Ashes to Ashes, Crust to Crust off my shelf and put my bookmark in it! :) I want to find out what happens next!! Plus I took a trip to B&N and picked up book 3. :)  I'm committed! :) 

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