Monday, July 1, 2024

REVIEW: Checked Out

 Checked Out
Author: Elizabeth Spann Craig

I've had the Village Library Mystery series on my bookshelf for awhile waiting for me to read my way though it. I have a lot of books, and that means I sometimes have a hard time deciding what I'm reading next. And, at times, really good mysteries sit on my TBR a lot longer than I intended just because my reading time is limited due to work and I have so many books to pick from. I finished the latest cozy mystery series I have been reading and stood in front of my bookshelves trying to decide. This series caught my eye, and I grabbed book one. 

So, glad I did! This book is an entertaining, fun and enjoyable mystery! 

The basics:Ann Beckett is having a bad day. Her day starts out with two cats stuck in a flooding culvert and progresses to the worst blind date imaginable, which morphs into a murder investigation. Ann finds herself working with the local police chief to solve a murder....then two....then three.....   And, of course, murderers don't like nosy librarians hot on their trail.  Can Ann discover who the killer is before she's the next victim?

I like Ann as a main character. She is dedicated to her job, intelligent and trying to navigate her 30's. Fitz the Cat is adorable, of course. And I like all the side characters. The background premise of the series is enjoyable and the library portions of the plot don't overshadow the mystery. It all blends together well, with each nuance furthering the plot. The mystery moved along at a nice pace with enough twists to keep me guessing. 

Great start to this series! I already have my bookmark in Book 2!

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