Saturday, April 14, 2018

REVIEW: Ghostly Animals of America

Ghostly Animals of America
Author: Patricia Edwards Clyne

I love folklore and ghost stories. America definitely has its share of interesting, spooky tales. From the disappearance of colonists from Roanoke Island to strange tales of the Old West, there is no shortage of creepy-cool American folklore. Patricia Edwards Clyne gathers some very interesting stories, all featuring spectral animals, in her book Ghostly Animals of America.

All 19 stories in this book are well-written, interesting and obviously well researched. I enjoyed each one! The author also includes information on where the places and events occurred and how to learn more about the story. The author is careful to mention when places, homes, locations are private property or public park land. The stories are presented not as horror tales but as folklore. There is nothing too scary or graphic for middle-grade aged children. Children and adults alike will enjoy these tales of legendary animal hauntings. The stories are varied with locations ranging all over the United States.

I could definitely see this book incorporated into lesson plans for United States history, geography or even creative writing. Kids would enjoy the stories and learn a little bit about different areas of the country and folklore.

A fun read! I recommend this for anyone 10 & up who enjoys folktales with a bit of a spooky edge to them!

Patricia Edwards Clyne has written several books for middle-grade age children on caving, history and the Hudson Valley region of NY state.

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