Saturday, July 13, 2024

REVIEW: Booked Up

 Booked Up
Author: Elizabeth Spann Craig

Booked Up is the 10th book in the Village Library Mysteries series. 

This time around, someone kills a local doctor. Librarian Ann Beckett finds the body, and is on the case to discover who killed the beloved physician. 

This book followed the usual formula for this series -- dead body discovered, murder investigation begins, follow up murder happens, more investigation, twist in the story & reveal. After 10 books, the similarity in the plots is becoming a bit old. I did however enjoy the character development in this book for at least one of the regular characters. 

All in all, a quick enjoyable read. I do wish the plots were a bit more varied. Each book is just a variation on the same basic formula. 

There is one more book in this series currently, but I'm going to take a break and come back at a later date to read the last book. I pretty much binge read my way through the first 10 books in this series. That's why the same basic plot is getting a bit tiresome. 

However, getting these books read and donated has freed up a nice little bit of space on my bookshelves! That means I can purchase some new books without guilt! :)

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