Wednesday, July 3, 2024

REVIEW: Overdue

Author: Elizabeth Spann Craig


I have a lot of books. I will always have a lot of books. There's just something very calming about having full bookshelves around makes my apartment feel more like home. Books make me feel comfy in my space. The only issue I have with my lovely book collection is that my reading time is limited. And unread books are a bit sad, or at the very least...wasted. So, I have made an effort to start reading books from my shelves and donating or trading them to friends when I'm finished. That's a win-win-win situation all the way around. The books get read...which is their purpose. I free up space on my shelves so I can buy new books without feeling the least bit of guilt. And, I pass my books on to friends and family who want to enjoy them. 

Most of what I have on my shelves are mystery novels. I have loved reading mysteries ever since I read my first Agatha Christie book when I was 9. I pick a series from my shelves and read my way through it. Glad I decided to FINALLY start reading the books I have collected!! 

The latest series from my shelves that I'm enjoying is The Village Library Mystery series by Elizabeth Spann Craig. This is the first series I've read  by this author, although I do have several of her Myrtle Clover series on my shelves as well. 

Overdue is the second book in the series. I'm enjoying the books so far! I like the setting and background plot. The main character is a librarian in a small town library. The side characters are a nice mix of quirky and likable. My favorite character is of course the library cat, Fitz. The library theme and the adorable kitty cat don't overshadow the mystery portion of the plot, but add depth to it. There is a nice mix of humor and amateur sleuthing. The mystery moved along at a nice pace and there were a couple nice twists before the reveal. All in all, Overdue is a great addition to this series.The story is entertaining and kept my attention from start to finish. 

On to book 3 -- Borrowed Time! I do hope Ann stops discovering dead bodies all the time though. In a small town, that will start to look a bit suspect! :)

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