Saturday, July 6, 2024

REVIEW: Where There's a Will

 Where There's a Will
Author: Elizabeth Spann Craig

Renovations are underway at the Whitby Library. A local construction company owner is making repairs to the building and donating the services of his construction company for free. But a murder soon silences the hammering and drilling.....and Librarian Ann Beckett finds herself on the trail of a killer once again.

I am really beginning to feel sorry for Ann Beckett. Every time she turns around, there is a new dead body and another murder to investigate. If this happened in real life, I'm sure the state police would be questioning her or another library employee, or law enforcement would be all over the small town of Whitby, NC looking for a serial killer. Small towns just don't have murder after murder after murder....but, I love the fact that in books you can suspend reality and just enjoy a story. So, Ann is safe for now......unless she starts reading True Crime novels and gets a hankering to do a little killing as a side hobby. :) 

Where There's a Will is the 5th book in the Village Library Mystery series. I'm enjoying these books! I like the setting...a small town where everybody knows each other is the perfect place for a cozy mystery series. The characters are likable and the plots have the perfect blend of background theme, humor and amateur sleuthing. My favorite character? Fitz the Library Cat, of course! 

I've had these books on my bookshelf for quite awhile. I'm glad to finally be reading them! I'm halfway through the series, so I'm invested now. I want to know what happens next!! I would be a bit worried if I was a resident of Whitby though....seems like a lot of people are ending up dead. 

On to the next book -- Frictional Characters.

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