Sunday, July 28, 2024

REVIEW: Progressive Dinner Deadly

 Progressive Dinner Deadly
Author: Elizabeth Spann Craig

Myrtle Clover just wants her Book Club to choose some better books. She wants to read more classics than beach reads. But somehow her planned Book Club Coup ends up morphing their book discussion nights into dinner club instead. The group will now troop through the neighborhood going from house to house for each course of a dinner. And, Myrtle is in charge of the dessert. 

Myrtle hates this new format. And somehow the entire group thinks it was her idea. How could this possibly get worse?

But it does. 

When the group gets to one of the next stops in the progressive dinner.....the host is dead. 


She just wanted to read better books! Not get sucked into a murder investigation...... least that's better than finishing all the stops on that doomed progressive dinner night. I don't think Myrtle would have made it through all the courses to host the group in the final dessert course at her house! 

This was a cute addition to this series. Myrtle gets so worked up about things!  And the people around her are so small town nosy, dramatic and just.....too much at times. [Which is why I live in a big city, and not a small town. Never going back!]

I enjoy this series. It has a nice mix of humor, small town quirkiness and old lady sass. But, I do wish the plots were a bit more varied. This author seems to write her books on a basic formula (her Village Library series was the same way), and it gets boring after awhile. I enjoyed this second book in the series, but I'm not sure I will make it through 24 books. Unless there is a little more plot variety thrown in, I think I will move on way before I finish all the books in this series. 

We shall see! I can always take a break if the series gets old, and read the books from my local library. I donated my paperback copies to make room on my bookshelves. Not a reflection on the quality of this series. The books just took up an entire shelf, and I wanted the space for other books. I will continue reading at  my own pace through these books by checking out through Hoopla rather than keeping all those physical books.

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