Friday, October 16, 2020

REVIEW: A Clean Sweep

 A Clean Sweep
Author: Sara Bourgeois

I love books, but I tend to fall into ruts where I'm reading the same genre or two for months. And then I get to the day where I need something different. I usually go looking for a new-to-me author to jump into a series that bumps me out of my genre rut. That's how I found Sara Bourgeois' books....I wanted to try something different. And I'm so glad I did. This series is just FUN to read! I like the characters. The plots are interesting and entertaining. And, I like the mix of mystery, paranormal and humor. Plus, the audio books are short enough that I've been able to binge listen up to book four in a week. There are new books coming out -- and I want to start reading on release day! Then I don't fall victim to spoilers like I did with the earlier books in this series. (An author, of all people should know better than to post a huge plot spoiler in a review! I accidentally read it while posting my review for a book I had just finished. So annoying!)

A Clean Sweep is Book 4 in the Wicked Witches of Coventry series. Ghost hunters are in town to investigate. Brighton, Remy and the gang are called upon by the city to escort the ghost hunters around town (and to make sure they don't catch any video footage or EVPs that give away Coventry's hidden secrets). But (of course) things go wrong. Very wrong. Murderously wrong.....

I listened to the audio book version of this story. At 3.5 hours, the audio is a nice, quick listening length. I enjoyed listening on my commutes, while doing household chores after work, etc. Rebecca Mitchell does a great job of narrating. She has a pleasant voice and reads at a perfect pace. Not too slow....and not too fast. She rings the characters to life....even the snarky kitty cat familiar. :) 

Fun series! Moving on to Book 5....Panic Broom. This is the last of the series that I could find on audio, so will have to move through the rest of the series at a slower pace. I can only read print/ebooks in the evening or on weekends, but I'm definitely going to keep reading! And there is a spin-off series, Familiar Kitten Mysteries, that I'm really looking forward to reading! 

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