Saturday, August 28, 2021

REVIEW: The Hollows

 The Hollows
Author: Mark Edwards

Tom travels to the United States from the UK each summer to spend time with his daughter. His life is a bit tattered -- divorced, career dwindling, finances tight -- but he wants to enjoy this trip to Maine with Frankie. A resort cabin in the woods -- no phone, no internet. Hollow Falls is just the place for him to reconnect with his teenage daughter. But, when they arrive, Tom learns that the resort was the site of a double murder 20 years before. And it's almost the anniversary of the crime. Turns out that Hollow Falls isn't the idyllic spot that Tom thought it was.....

This is the first book by Mark Edwards that I've read. I wasn't sure what to expect. Wackadoodle people lurking in the woods around unprepared vacationing families isn't a new plot for suspense stories....but Edwards pulled this off nicely. The story kept my attention from beginning to end. 

I listened to the audiobook version of this book. Narrated by Guy Mott, the audio is just a bit short of 10 hours. Mott does an ok job of narrating, but I do have to say his attempt at American accents was distracting for me. And the voice he used for Frankie was just bad. Overall though, his narration was ok and I was able to listen to the book. 

Very entertaining story. No real surprises....but nicely paced and suspenseful. I will definitely read/listen to more by Mark Edwards. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

REVIEW: The Darkness Knows

 The Darkness Knows
Author: Arnaldur Indriðason

When a well-presevered body is found on a glacier, a retired detective gets pulled into the case. The dead man disappeared 30 years before and the investigation stalled for lack of evidence. Konrad comes back to re-open the case. New information, the body, and sheer determination might finally solve this death. 

I got sucked right into this book! I can see why this author is known as the "king'' of Icelandic suspense thrillers. The setting, the cold case, the main character -- totally hooked from the start! 

I read about 2/3 of my review copy, paused, and snagged the audio book from Audible, as my local libraries (I have cards from 3) have no books by this author. I wanted to HEAR the story -- hits harder for me if I listen on audio. Just personal preference.  There are several books in this series, and the author has another series, Detective Erlendur, as well. ST MARTIN'S PRESS/MACMILLAN AUDIO: Please please please please make more of this author's work available in English!!!! PLEASE! I am begging with this face: 

You cannot resist The Face. And I can't wait for more books! 

The audiobook is fantastic! Narrated by Sean Barrett, the audio is just shy of 9 hours long. Easy listening length. Barrett does a superb job of voice acting. Very entertaining listening experience! 

For thriller/suspense fans & those who love icelandic detective procedurals -- I highly recommend this book!  And, I have to say this would make a great movie or television show! Someone make it happen! 

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St Martin's Press (and purchased the audio book as well so this disclaimer really isn't necessary but I'm including it for more begging -- PLEASE more in English!). All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

REVIEW: Where the Truth Lies

 Where the Truth Lies
Author: Anna Bailey

A teenage girl goes to a party in the woods with a friend....and never comes home. The friend is not only afraid and frantic to find the missing girl, but feels guilty as she was convinced to leave her at the party. It doesn't matter that the missing girl was the one who wanted to only matters that she's gone. As Emma starts looking for Abi.....the dark underbelly of Whistling Ridge, CO starts to be revealed. Secrets never stay secret.....  The Town, the residents, family members, even Abi herself....secrets are coming out. And it isn't pretty. 

Wow...what a book! A seemingly perfect Colorado town is just a mask over a cesspit of secrets, lies, and plots. Very suspenseful story....very twisty....what a ride! I started reading this book and it quickly became a binge read. I couldn't put it down. Got sucked right into the crap that is Whistling Ridge. Yikes! 

I grew up in a small town in the midwest. And I returned there as an adult to be a news reporter. This book hit home and hit home hard -- small towns hide so much secret, horrible shit. And my hometown was no different. Murderers let go by a jury because the victim was considered a whore. Affairs, unethical behavior, thefts covered up because the people involved were important. Racism. Classism. Crimes committed by important people's kids covered up. No arrest orders for people. Little town -- little people trying so hard to be big. All worthless.  I left. And moved to another small town 1200 miles away.  Still lies and agendas here....still small town money trying to be relevant.....but it doesn't hurt as bad to see it. These aren't the people I grew up with, people I went to school with......these are just people. They are the same....but it doesn't gut me like learning my hometown was nothing like Mayberry. This book reminded me of all that -- those emotions, the dawning realization that the world could be a very, very bad place, and locking your front door doesn't mean a damn thing. Some things can't be kept out. 

Great book! I enjoyed it! If a story can be truly disturbing -- then it's well written!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Atria Books. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

REVIEW: Artificial Condition

 Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries #2)
Author: Martha Wells

I love this series! It is rapidly becoming one of my favorites!

Murderbot -- a rogue SecUnit who has hacked its governor module to become freely sentient -- wants to know why it once went crazy and killed its human crew. It travels back to the scene of the killings with the help of a transport it calls ART to find out why it became violent and killed people....all while protecting yet another human crew. 

I enjoyed this second story in the series as much as book 1  -- or maybe even more. Murderbot has to pass as human, meets a friend, hires on as a security consultant while posing as human, and investigates why it once became violent and killed people. Awesome story! 

I listened to the audio version of this story. Narrated by Kevin Free, the audio is a bit over 3 hours long. Free does a great job of voice acting! Very entertaining listen!

This series is quickly becoming one of my favorites! I like the humor, the premise and the characters. 


Monday, August 23, 2021

REVIEW: All Systems Red

 All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1)
Author: Martha Wells

I grabbed this series on audio after it was recommended to me on Audible's Hear For It Facebook group. I've been on a bit of a Sci-Fi kick lately and asked if there were any more book series with a Bobiverse vibe - and this one immediately was mentioned by multiple people. Within just a couple chapters of this first book, I totally agreed with all those people! This series is fun and entertaining! 

The main character is a security android -- a SecUnit. It has hacked its governor module so is freely sentient and no longer required to obey all human orders, but it keeps this fact quiet. Due to a situation in its past where it killed members of its human crew on a past mission, the robot refers to itself as Murderbot. However, the robot is more interested in viewing hours of entertainment feeds than being murderous. When a situation arises that puts its current human crew in danger, the android puts its newly freed skills to work to protect the crew. 

I absolutely loved this first story! It's short -- the audio is just over 3 hours long -- but lots of action and character building. I liked the premise, the setting and the characters. Kevin Free does a great job of narrating. He brought all the characters to life!

Very enjoyable series! There are six books -- I'm currently reading book 3. Well written, entertaining and different. Love it! And when I finish Murderbot, I'm going to read the rest of this author's books. I like her style! 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

REVIEW: The Council of Animals

 The Council of Animals
Author: Nick McDonell

Human kind has been mostly decimated by The Calamity (climate change, poor decisions, plague/pandemic). Only a few struggling humans are left. Six animals gather at a meeting place. A well-rounded sampling of animal kind -- dog, cat, baboon, bear, crow, and horse -- gather to decide the fate of surviving humans. Will animal kind help them? Or eat them?

Each animal makes its case in this short satire. And (of course) the council meeting devolves into chaos, factions splitting off, self-interests served, etc. This story is packed with allegory, humor, and truths about how today's world and society work (any society). 

I received a review copy of this audio book before it was released. With everything going on in the world right now and my job being increasingly set to chaos mode, I missed the deadline. My review copy popped over to the dreaded "Archived, not downloaded'' section. Yikes! I'm picky about requesting review copies. I only request what I can actually I went on a quest and purchased the audio book. I'm glad I did -- this little story (audio book is under 4 hours long) packs a punch. Hiding below the surface in this tale about animals (like a classic book we all have read), is a lot of very thoughtful, truthful, hard to hear things about human behavior (or intelligent/sentient/self-aware behavior as I'm hopeful human beings are not the only such society in the universe).  

Loved this book! It will definitely be one I listen to again and again. What did the animals decide? Or....was there a decision made (you know how councils/committees work most of the time)??  Not going to tell -- read/listen to the book! 

The audiobook is narrated by the author and runs a bit over 3 hours. While I applaud the author for narrating his own work, the sound quality could have been a bit better. A bit of echo and hiss.  But, still a very entertaining listening experience, and one I highly recommend. It definitely inspires thought and contemplation! 

*I voluntarily requested a review copy of this audio book from Macmillan Audio -- and missed my deadline due to working way too much overtime in a pandemic situation -- so ultimately listened to a purchased copy after the fact. The entire situation just made this satire in this story much more thought provoking and interesting. All opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. No animals were asked to give opinions, although my chihuahua states she liked the story very much and would vote to eat the humans and all cats (she's a chihuahua after all) *

REVIEW: Death in Castle Dark

 Death in Castle Dark
Author: Veronica Bond

Nora Blake takes a gig performing at a gothic castle tourist destination. The castle is set up as a immersive mystery dinner theater where all the guests play the detective and actors perform all around them. In return, the performers are paid well, get catered meals and free room/board.  An acting job. New friends. And living in castle? How could she pass it up! (I wouldn't!) When one of the actors is found murdered, suddenly the dinner theater is shut down and the cast is dealing with the police. It's almost like one of their performances came to life....only with a real murder at the heart of it. 

OMG! I love the setting and characters in this book! I had such a good time reading this story. A dinner theater at a castle venue. I wish this was a real place! Take my money! I would participate in a heart beat. And what a dream job! Well....a bit tarnished dream job when one of her colleagues is murdered. But hey -- no job is perfect, right? 

I not only read a digital review copy of this book, but I also purchased the audio book. Immediate purchase -- and very entertaining listen! Narrated by Imani Jade Powers, the audio is a bit over 9 hours long. Powers has a nice voice, reads at a steady pace and gives a great voice acting performance. I highly recommend the audio book! 

This is the first book by Veronica Bond that I've read -- and the first book in this new cozy series. I will be eagerly awaiting the next book!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Berkley (and purchased the audio book as well). All opinions expressed are entirely my own**

Friday, August 20, 2021

REVIEW: The Guilt Trip

 The Guilt Trip
Author: Sandie Jones

Old friends from college and their spouses. A family wedding on a cliff top in Portugal. Catching up. Meeting a new addition to the family. It should be a wonderful trip, right? ..... Right? It might have been....if secrets had stayed secret. But, hidden truths just have this strange knack of coming into the light at the most wrong times. 

I can sum this story up in one word. Twisted. OMG -- there was so much going on in this story right from the start and so many twists, turns and reveals, that it ended up being a total binge read for me. I'll be honest -- the characters in this book are a total train wreck. But I couldn't look away.....

I started out reading an ebook review copy...then got a review copy of the audio book as well. This story riveted  my attention in print and audio both. The audio book is narrated by Clare Corbett and runs 10.5 hours long. Corbett does a great job of voice acting. She brought the horribly unlikable characters to life. 

The ending was perfect. The story is disturbing, but the wrap up was oddly satisfying. Karma. 

This is the first book by Sandie Jones that I've read. It was such wicked fun that I'm definitely reading more by her! 

**I voluntarily read a review copy -- and listened to a review audio book -- of this story. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Thursday, August 19, 2021

REVIEW: The Space Between Worlds

 The Space Between Worlds
Author: Micaiah Johnson

Cara travels the Multiverse. There are 380 Earths that have been identified....and multiverse travelers can go to any of them. There is just one rule -- a person can only travel to versions of Earth where that version of themselves has already died. Cara can travel pretty she has died on 372 of the Multiverse versions of Earth. But the death of one of those 8 surviving versions of Cara will lead her to discover a secret....something that was never supposed to be revealed. 

I enjoyed this story! The concept of a Multiverse is interesting to me in itself....and the plot kept me engaged in this story from start to finish. The author does a good job of world-building and character development. The plot moved along at a good speed. I was definitely never bored! After I finished reading, I ended up down a rabbit hole of Multiverse videos on Youtube. It definitely opens up a whole category of What-Ifs! 

I read a review copy and also listened to the audio book from my local library when the book released. Narrated by Nicole Lewis, the audio is just shy of 12 hours long. Lewis reads at a steady pace and has a pleasant voice. She does a good job of voice acting. Very entertaining listening experience!

This is the first book by Micaiah Johnson that I've read. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more by her! 

**I voluntarily read a review copy (and listened to the audio book) of this book from Random House/Ballentine. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

REVIEW: Shutter

Author: Melissa Larsen

Running from ghosts of the past and a failed relationship, Betty decides to change her life. She goes to New York with plans to become an actress. When a friend introduces her to a film maker, Betty believes everything she dreams of  might just fall into place. Anthony Merino is a talented director, but things get steadily more bizarre and distressing as they film a hidden camera style movie on an island off the coast of Maine. 

This story is a slow build. As it started, I just got the artistic vibe from the characters....but as things developed those vibes got more and more bizarre and distressing. The main thought in my head as the film project progressed wasn't about the plot, but more about what people would be willing to endure or participate in for $40,000 and a chance at an acting career. Would you allow a person you hardly know to name you Lola, change your appearance, and install cameras in every room of the house you are staying in....for $40,000 and a shot at More. Would you venture into the middle of nowhere, knowing very little about the people you are with, or the project you are working on?? There are some who are willing to endure a hell of a lot for .... More. Or a Whole New Life. A New Beginning. All those phrases we use.....all those things we want. 

Worth it?? 

You be the judge -- read this book! 

I liked this story. The plot builds slowly but the characters kept my attention riveted on the story. Although I have read several books with a plot about a film maker and a mysterious project gone wrong, this one wasn't as predictable. I was never sure what was going to happen next. It made me....uncomfortable. That was my main emotion....uncomfortable. As Anthony Merino built on his project -- creating Lola -- in my head I was screaming at Betty "Do you know what you are getting yourself into??'' Even as the story descended into a very creepy vibe, I found myself having to keep reading (and listening as I bought the audio book too). I had to know the final outcome. 

I did not expect the ending. 

A suspense story that can make me uncomfortable and creeped out....and that surprises definitely a success! 

I read a review copy of this book, and also purchased the audio book. The audio is just short of 10 hours long and is narrated by Megan Tusing.  I have found that I enjoy suspense stories more in audio format. Megan Tusing did a great job narrating. She has a pleasant voice, reads at steady pace and gives a skilled acting performance. Very enjoyable listening experience. 

This book is Melissa Larsen's debut as an author. I'm interested to see what she comes up with next! The cover art for the book is awesome! Perfect for the story!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Berkley Publishing. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

REVIEW: The Chocolate Raccoon Rigamarole

 The Chocolate Raccoon Rigamarole
Author: JoAnna Carl 

This series has the best cover art! Each book has something zany and fun on the cover! This newest book is no exception! The Chocolate Raccoon Rigamarole is the 18th book in the Chocoholic Mystery series. 

A series of break-ins starts out seeming a bit funny -- the bandits only steal food and snacks?? But, soon nobody in town is laughing when the break-ins get a bit more serious than swiping snacks. 

With the stress of this past year, I enjoyed escaping into a cozy mystery for awhile. This series is cute, light, cozy entertainment. Just what my over-stressed tired brain needed. Raccoons, a few jokes and a mystery. I enjoyed it! I can always trust this series to put a smile on my face!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Berkley Publishing. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Monday, August 2, 2021

REVIEW: Give Me a K I L L

 Give Me a K I L L 
Author: R.L. Stine

Gretchen Wyatt didn't expect this rocky of a start to her first days at Shadyside High -- fighting over the one open spot on the cheerleading squad. And she certainly didn't expect the competition to be murder....literally.

R.L. Stine takes teenage drama and sprinkles in just the right amount of blood and horror to make this story entertaining. The main characters are pretty much cheerleader and mean girl stereotypes, but that's expected. That's how Fear Street stories work....take the usual teen stereotypes rehashed over and over in movies and books, but add in some twisty horror. Let's face it...there's no way the Shadyside Cheerleading squad is going to stop at just normal teen angst. There will be blood and screams....

I listened to the audio version of this story. The audio is just short of 5.5 hours long and narrated by Brittany Pressley. She gives an excellent voice acting performance. The story kept my attention from start to finish. The story is definitely geared to its target YA audience, but I still enjoyed it. I didn't expect the ending -- R.L. Stine always seems to deliver a great ending! 

**I voluntarily listened to a review copy of this audio book from Macmillan Audio. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

Sunday, August 1, 2021

REVIEW: Godspeed

Author: Nikolas Butler

If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. 

A small construction firm in Wyoming is hired to finish a project in record speed. A wealthy homeowner wants True Triangle Construction to finish the house project by Christmas. The project would give them notoriety and a huge bonus....but something just doesn't seem quite right. The pull of the project is just too strong. The three men at True Triangle -- Cole, Bart and Teddy -- have no clue how obsessed and driven they will become to finish the house. And what the consequences will be. 

Wow! I love it when I come across a thriller that has a twisted and completely different plot. The concepts of greed and what it can lead people to do, avarice and the behavior of the uber rich is nothing new. But wrapping those emotions and foibles around a house project in Jackson, Wyoming just made this story so entertaining and suspenseful! Something different! Human nature and mind-F'ery as in most thrillers....but the backbone of the plot was refreshingly new for me!

This is the first book I've read by this author. I'm definitely reading more! I really enjoyed this story. At times, I knew what direction things were going to head, but I was never sure how the characters were going to get to those depths. I couldn't put the book down once I got into the meat of the story. Butler takes his time setting up the scenario...but once things got rolling downhill, I just couldn't stop reading! 

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from Penguin Group/Putnam. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**