Monday, August 23, 2021

REVIEW: All Systems Red

 All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries #1)
Author: Martha Wells

I grabbed this series on audio after it was recommended to me on Audible's Hear For It Facebook group. I've been on a bit of a Sci-Fi kick lately and asked if there were any more book series with a Bobiverse vibe - and this one immediately was mentioned by multiple people. Within just a couple chapters of this first book, I totally agreed with all those people! This series is fun and entertaining! 

The main character is a security android -- a SecUnit. It has hacked its governor module so is freely sentient and no longer required to obey all human orders, but it keeps this fact quiet. Due to a situation in its past where it killed members of its human crew on a past mission, the robot refers to itself as Murderbot. However, the robot is more interested in viewing hours of entertainment feeds than being murderous. When a situation arises that puts its current human crew in danger, the android puts its newly freed skills to work to protect the crew. 

I absolutely loved this first story! It's short -- the audio is just over 3 hours long -- but lots of action and character building. I liked the premise, the setting and the characters. Kevin Free does a great job of narrating. He brought all the characters to life!

Very enjoyable series! There are six books -- I'm currently reading book 3. Well written, entertaining and different. Love it! And when I finish Murderbot, I'm going to read the rest of this author's books. I like her style! 

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