Sunday, February 24, 2019

REVIEW: Blood, Poop and Dead Skin

Blood, Poop and Dead Skin
Author: Ruth Owen & Ross Piper

As a mom, grandma and former home-school teacher, I love it when my local library adds cool new science titles for kids! Recently, I got sucked into the vortex of the "New Additions'' section on the library's digital site and ended up checking out several children's books. Why not? Every review helps authors...and reviewing great kids books helps other parents, teachers and home-schoolers. :) Plus, this book has poop in the title....even grandmas have immature giggly moments which leads them to read books with poop in the title...just 'cause.

Blood, Poop and Dead Skin isn't a book on gross's all about what insects eat. It talks about great buggy science facts accompanied by awesome full-color photos and illustrations. The book could have science lesson applications in a classroom, but might also tempt reluctant readers to enjoy reading a book.

This book is common core compliant. There is a glossary, index, suggested reading list, web links, etc. Blood, Poop and Dead Skin is part of The Secret Lives of Insects series. There are four books in the series. Other topics include where insects live, insect defenses and cool facts about bugs.

Blood, Poop & Dead Skin could have some fun classroom uses....supplementary reading for science lessons, outdoor activities about bugs, and fun solo reading for reluctant readers who might get a bit of giggly fun out of the title like I did. :) The pages are informative and colorful. All information is grade school age appropriate.

A great book about bugs! I'm so glad my library added this!

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