Tuesday, January 1, 2019

REVIEW: Bird Box

Bird Box
Author: Josh Malerman

What a deliciously terrifying demented story! I loved it!

First there are alarming news reports from Russia. People are going crazy, killing others and then killing themselves. Soon The Problem has spread throughout the world. People see and hear something....then go violently insane. Things quickly go apocalyptic with extreme prejudice. The only survivors are ones who rarely venture outside...and never, ever uncover their eyes. You look? You die.


The entire time I was reading this book I kept thinking "I would have peeked by now.'' Yeah. I would be dead.

This book is a relatively straight forward, quick read. It's horror not complex fiction....read it for all the creepy feels. The story jumps back and forth in time a bit....but it's the type of story where that works. Instead of feeling confusing, it helped build suspense.

I read through this book in just a couple of hours because I wanted to watch the Netflix movie. I have a rule that I always read the book first before watching any film version of a story. I'm about halfway through the movie...took a break to come write this review. Turns out reading this story is creepy....but SEEING it happen (given the eebie jeebies with sight intrinsic to the story) is a rough watch. Had to pause and walk away for a bit....ha ha. For those who have watched: [SHE SAID DON'T LEAVE THE BOAT!! and DID YOU JUST OPEN THAT DOOR????? WTF!] (That's my limit for out of context spoilers)

Awesome creepy story!

An aside: I'm glad I got my paperback copy of this book BEFORE it had a big red circle splotched onto the cover about the Netflix movie, or before editions were released with movie-related art. I really really really x 10 hate it when ads are on the covers of my books! Or when covers are altered to pictures of actors, or movie art. Slip a card inside the book....even put a blurb on the BACK cover....but don't alter/F-up the front cover of books to promote a movie, television series, etc. YUCK!

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